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Frequently Asked Questions
About our database of questions
- How large is your database of questions?
Over 5000 questions and growing.
Each Autotutor practice exam or quiz consists of
randomly selected questions, and each time a question is presented the order of the answer options is randomized too.
We think it unlikely that anyone will find repeat questions to be a problem.
- Are worked solutions provided for every question?
Yes, except for some easy questions where we thought a worked solution was not needed.
If you find an error please let us know and we will fix it.
- What are NAPLAN numeracy tests?
These are Australia wide tests held each May for years 3, 5, 7 and 9.
We offer unofficial practice tests for years 5, 7 and 9 that are of a similar standard to actual past official exams.
This site is not officially endorsed by the NAPLAN program. It has been produced independently.
- What is the USA SAT test?
This is a pencil and paper based multiple choice College Board test to measure a high school student's readiness to enter
college or tertiary education. Only the math section (50% of the overall test) is covered here. The results we give are not
scaled. Our tests are for training purposes only.
- Can a keen user or teacher contribute extra questions for use in Autotutor?
Yes. We will do our best to accept appropriate contributions and to incorporate them in the relevant exams.
For this purpose we provide a template that contributors can use.
You may also wish to suggest further widely used exams for us to add. Feedback is welcome.
About why and how you should use Autotutor
- Autotutor gives me an advantage in studying for my exams. Is this fair on other students?
Many students have advantages through such things as private schools, selective schools, private tutors, family wealth etc.
It is only reasonable that you should take advantage of what opportunities you have to improve your skills, exam prospects and
career prospects. One of the primary goals of Autotutor is to help motivated students to achieve great results whatever their
- Can I use Autotutor for home schooling?
Of course you can. Autotutor is a great tool to support home schooling as a part of your work programme.
Because you can learn at your own pace you can advance more quickly and efficiently.
- Can I use Autotutor even if I am not at secondary school?
Of course you can. The earlier you develop your skills the better you will do in the exams when you do them. It is good for
you and fun to learn efficiently. Your performance at school will also improve.
- Can I use Autotutor even though I am in year 12 and do not live in Australia or India?
Of course you can. Exams at year 12 (or equivalent) level are quite similar around around the world and skills
are universal. Autotutor can help you wherever you are.
I am a Chinese student coming to study in Australia. Can I use Autotutor to improve my science and English skills at the same
- Of course you can. Autotutor can help build your skills in both of these areas.
- Is it really possible for me to make a difference to my results through extra work and regular exam practice?
Of course it is. If you would like extra inspiration see the 1988 movie Stand and Deliver which is based on a true story in
Los Angeles, California. Or, read the Wikipedia page about the story.
- What if I find the quizzes and exams too hard at first?
Concentrate first on the year 7 and year 9 level 0 tests, and then the relevant skills exercises. When you have mastered these as appropriate
for you, then move on to the exams.
- What tangible benefits can I expect to see from using Autotutor?
Your exam marks at high school in Mathematics, Physics and related subjects should gradually improve as you gain in
understanding and confidence.
- Can you please give a more detailed example of how a student may sensibly use Autotutor over a few years?
Consider a year 10 student who starts using Autotutor for VCE Mathematical Methods. Initially only some of the skills areas
will have been taught in class. Master these areas first. Then move on to other skills areas as they are taught. Then move
on to Exam 1 and then Exam 2 once enough skills have been learnt. By the time you finish year 12 you should be in a very good
- Can you please suggest how a parent or grandparent may encourage a student to make more use of Autotutor?
We have found that offering a small reward for marks awarded can be a strong incentive for some students.
They gradually realise that maths is fun and their school results steadily improve.
About Autotutor and its privacy policy
- Does Autotutor have a relationship with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)?
- No. We are independent. VCAA set the official VCE exams in Victoria, Australia.
- What is your privacy policy?
We keep client information private. We do not release it to third parties. Payments are carried out through PayPal, which
means we do not store credit card information.
Other questions
- Can Autotutor be run from a mobile phone or a tablet?
- Yes. Autotutor will detect that it is being used on a smaller screen and will adjust formatting to suit the device.
- How can I upgrade my membership from free?
- Click the top right link to your user area and use the upgrade link.